Questões de Concurso Público DESENVOLVE-SP 2014 para Analista de Sistemas
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Recursos_Humanos (CPF, Salário, Função)
A consulta para se obter o número de pessoas com salário menor do que R$ 1.000,00, com as funções de Auxiliar ou de Secretária, é:
O número de iterações que o comando Para... irá executar no programa apresentado é igual a:
Ao final da execução do programa, o valor impresso de g4 será:
Essa estrutura é denominada
Ao se executar esse código em um terminal, será produzida a mensagem:
Suponha que o método “print” seja alterado para:
Como efeito dessa alteração,
The Object-Relational (OR) model is very similar to the relational model; however, it treats every entity as an object (instance of a class), and a relationship as an inheritance. Some features and benefits of an Object-Relational model are:
• Support for complex, user defined types
• Object inheritance
• Extensible objects
(Database Fundamentals. Sharma, N. et al., 1ª. edição, 2010)
De acordo com o texto,
A domain constraint implies that a particular attribute of a relation is defined on a particular domain. A domain constraint simply states that values of the attribute in question are required to belong to the set on values constituting the underlying domain.
(Database Fundamentals. Sharma, N. et al., 1ª. edição, 2010)
A melhor tradução para o termo domain constraint é
Software components are built using a programming language that has a limited vocabulary an explicitly defined grammar and well formed rules of syntax and semantics. At the lowest level the language mirrors the instruction set of the hardware. At mid-level programming languages such as Ada 95, C or Smalltalk are used to create a procedural description of the program. At the highest level the language uses graphical icons or other symbology to represent the requirements for a solution. Executable instructions are automatically generated.
(Software Engineering – Concepts & Implementation. Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University)
De acordo com o texto,
Effective software project management focuses on the three P’s: people, problem, and process. The order is not arbitrary. The manager who forgets that software engineering work is an intensely human endeavor will never have success in project management. A manager who fails to encourage comprehensive customer communication early in the evolution of a project risks building an elegant solution for the wrong problem. Finally the manager who pays little attention to the process runs the risk of inserting competent technical methods and tools into a vacuum.
(Software Engineering – Concepts & Implementation. Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University)
Segundo o texto, o gerente
A frase Em tese!, no último quadrinho, equivale a _________ e expressa o desejo da personagem de __________sua fala do primeiro quadrinho.