Questões de Concurso Público UNICAMP 2022 para Técnico de Apoio ao Usuário de Informática - Helpdesk

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Q2052626 Português

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(Bill Waterson. O melhor de Calvin., 02.02.2022)

Um vocábulo empregado em sentido figurado foi:

Q2052627 Português
Leia o texto.
    A expansão das pesquisas e da produção de vacinas pode colocar em risco uma criatura ancestral, conhecida como um “fóssil vivo” devido à sua aparência, que pouco mudou ao longo de cerca de 450 milhões de anos. É o límulo, também chamado de caranguejo-ferradura, mas que na verdade nem caranguejo é: não se trata de um crustáceo, e sim de um artrópode, mais próximo das aranhas e dos escorpiões.     O sangue azul desse animal tem alta demanda na indústria farmacêutica. Isso porque ele representa a única fonte natural de uma substância chamada LAL (lisado de amebócitos do limulus), empregada em testes que garantem que vacinas, drogas intravenosas, instrumentos médicos esterilizados — entre outros itens — não estão contaminados com toxinas bacterianas.    A presença dessas toxinas nos produtos farmacêuticos pode causar doenças e reações alérgicas potencialmente fatais. O LAL ajuda a identificá-las e a quantificar o nível de contaminação, por meio de células chamadas de amebócitos, que coagulam em torno das toxinas. Um galão de LAL custa em média US$ 60 mil.    Existe uma alternativa sintética ao LAL, chamada rFC (fator C recombinante), desenvolvida por pesquisadores da Universidade de Singapura em 1990. O produto já foi aprovado para uso em cerca de 60 países, incluindo a China (onde há uma espécie de caranguejo-ferradura listada como ameaçada de extinção) e nações da União Europeia.     Nos Estados Unidos, entretanto, a agência reguladora do país decidiu que precisa de mais informações antes de colocar o rFC em mesmo patamar que o LAL. Empresas ainda podem usá-lo, mas precisam passar por mais etapas burocráticas. Ambientalistas temem que, sem a adoção da alternativa sintética, a exploração do límulo se intensifique com o aumento da demanda.
(Fredy Alexandrakis. Como a produção de vacinas ameaça o caranguejo-ferradura., 27.12.2021. Adaptado)
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
Q2052628 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o termo entre parênteses substitui corretamente a expressão.
Q2052629 Português
Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do texto a seguir.
Para obter os insumos _______que se abastecem as pesquisas acadêmicas e industriais, cientistas recorrem _____ fauna, trazendo _____ luz inovações que muitas vezes comprometem o meio ambiente com técnicas predatórias, já que consistem ________ métodos de grande escala.
Q2052630 Português
De acordo com a norma-padrão de pontuação e concordância, está corretamente redigida a frase:
Q2052631 Matemática
O transporte de ovos entre uma granja e um instituto de pesquisa é feito por um caminhão especial que, em cada viagem, pode transportar até 220 caixas de ovos, cada caixa contendo 42 ovos. Para transportar 250000 ovos entre essa granja e o instituto, o número mínimo de viagens que o caminhão fará é
Q2052632 Matemática
Um brinquedo tem capacidade máxima de 5 pessoas e dessas, no máximo, 2 podem ser adultos. Em certo dia, em todas as vezes que esse brinquedo foi acionado, havia 2 adultos e 2 crianças ou 2 adultos e 3 crianças, e o total de pessoas que utilizou o brinquedo foi 282. Nesse dia, nenhuma pessoa utilizou o brinquedo mais de uma vez e o total de crianças que utilizou o brinquedo excedeu em 26 o total de adultos que o utilizaram, logo o número de vezes que o brinquedo foi acionado foi
Q2052633 Matemática
Um centro de reciclagem possui 7 máquinas idênticas que processam, em 2 dias, o material recebido por um caminhão, com cada máquina funcionando 6 horas por dia. Para processar o material recebido por 5 caminhões do mesmo tipo, 6 dessas máquinas irão trabalhar por 3 dias e cada uma deverá funcionar, a cada dia, por
Q2052634 Matemática
A média das alturas dos 45 jogadores de uma escola de basquete é 190 cm e nenhum desses jogadores tem altura menor do que 170 cm. O número máximo desses jogadores que possuem exatamente 220 cm de altura é
Q2052635 Matemática
Em um retângulo ABCD, o ponto E está sobre a metade do lado AB e os pontos F e G estão sobre os lados do retângulo, conforme mostra a figura.
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O triângulo BEF é isósceles e a área do retângulo é 60 cm2. Logo, a área do triângulo EFG é
Q2052636 Inglês

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    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, espera-se que um “IT help desk”
Q2052637 Inglês

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    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
In the excerpt from the first paragraph “beyond the IT help desk”, the underlined word may be substituted without change in meaning by
Q2052638 Inglês

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    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
No segundo parágrafo, os itens (i) e (ii) trazem uma expectativa em comum quanto aos profissionais nas carreiras mencionadas, qual seja, profissionais
Q2052639 Inglês

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    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
A expressão em português mais próxima em significado à expressão “In today’s ever-changing job marketplace” (parágrafo 3) é
Q2052640 Inglês

11_- 15.png (291×221) 

    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
Read the expressions below, extracted from the text. The one that best relates to the initial image is
Q2052641 Sistemas Operacionais
O ponteiro do mouse pode ser personalizado no sistema operacional Windows 10 para a sua melhor visualização selecionando-se, na sequência: Iniciar, Configurações, Facilidade de Acesso e Ponteiro do mouse. Assinale a alternativa que contém a afirmação correta sobre as personalizações que são permitidas.
Q2052642 Sistemas Operacionais
No sistema operacional Windows 10, o local da Barra de Tarefas pode ser configurado para não ficar somente na parte inferior da tela. Ela pode ser deslocada apenas para
Q2052643 Sistemas Operacionais
Em um terminal do sistema operacional Linux, a execução do comando
echo "teste" 2> arquivo.txt
exibe a seguinte saída no próprio terminal:
Q2052644 Sistemas Operacionais
Por meio da execução do comando ls -l em um terminal Linux, observou-se que o arquivo myfile apresenta as seguintes permissões:
Após a execução com sucesso do comando
   chmod 644 myfile   as permissões de myfile passam a ser:
Q2052645 Sistemas Operacionais
Assinale a alternativa que contém apenas métodos de inicialização do sistema operacional Linux.
1: D
2: D
3: D
4: C
5: A
6: E
7: B
8: A
9: D
10: C
11: B
12: C
13: E
14: B
15: A
16: B
17: C
18: B
19: D
20: E