Read the following statements and decide if they are true (T...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2958207 Inglês

Read the following statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).

( ) Technologies of information and communication create new genres as Twitter and YouTube. These novelties demand a new way to think teaching English as a second language.

( ) Reading and writing have been affected by new technologies. Images and hyperlinks have become an integrated part of the new genres.

( ) Teaching English as a second language has to follow different concepts of language learning and abstract from the changes society goes through.

( ) Intertextuality is a relevant characteristic of the technological genres.

( ) Multimedia educational proposals contribute to a contextualized teaching and to a better understanding of the world.

Choose the alternative which CORRECTLY shows if the statements are true of false:
