1____Despite increases in education spending over theyears, ...
1____Despite increases in education spending over the
years, Brazil has only seen limited improvements in national
and international assessments. To sustain and accelerate
4 progresses in teaching and learning, Brazil will need to
retain current levels of education resources. However, there
is also significant scope to use resources more equitably and
7 effectively. For example, at present, Brazil invests more in
tertiary education than in ECEC, despite evidence that
access to high-quality ECEC not only contributes to better
10 learning outcomes but can also help reduce inequalities.
Even within tertiary education, funding arrangements tend
to disproportionately benefit students from advantaged
13 backgrounds.
OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective,
OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/60a667f7-en. 238 pgs.
with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.