1____Anna Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto was born in 1889in Vill...
1____Anna Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto was born in 1889
in Villa Boa Goyaz, Cidade de Goiás (City of Goiás).
During her childhood, Anna studied two books. At the time,
4 levels of basic education were not divided based on grades,
but on books. From books, Anna learned to read, write and
perform basic mathematical operations. At the age of 14,
7 she began writing poems and short stories under the
pseudonym Cora Coralina, which means red heart,
9 according to her.
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.
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