Home Concursos Públicos Questões Q1953614 Considering what was said about the use of nanotechnology i... Próximas questões Com base no mesmo assunto Q1953614 Inglês Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension , Ano: 2022 Banca: IADES Órgão: ADASA Provas: IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Gestão e Regulação | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Engenharia Elétrica | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Contabilidade | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Economia | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Geologia | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Engenharia Civil | IADES - 2022 - ADASA - Regulador de Serviços Públicos - Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação | Q1953614 Inglês Texto associado The new water technologies that could save the planet Considering what was said about the use of nanotechnology in the filtration of water in the article, choose the correct alternative. Alternativas A What sets this new process apart is its affordability, as it can be more easily pourchased and implemented as a solution for those who do not have access to drinking water. B What makes this new process introduced in the text different from others is how quickly it can purify water for human consumption, making it a great solution for those who do not have access to drinking water. C What differentiates this new process from others is how the use of emissions of silver ions can desalinate water effectively and for a low price, making it a great solution for those who do not have access to drinking water. D What distinguishes this new process is the fact that even though it is costly, it can easily be adopted as a solution to solve the problem of lack of access to drinking water. E What sets this new process apart from other alternatives is the fact that microbes, bacteria and other matter can easily, and for a very low price, be removed from water through the process known as desalination. Responder Você errou!   Resposta: teste Parabéns! Você acertou! teste Tirar Dúvida Gabarito Comentado (1) Aulas (4) Comentários (0) Estatísticas Cadernos Criar anotações Notificar Erro Salvar novo filtro Nome do novo filtro