Segundo o texto, os aplicativos PoCT

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Impact of Point-of-Care Technologies on Healthcare

by Impelsys Admin | Apr 25, 2019 

     Point-of-Care Technologies is a set of technologies used at the location of patient care helping improve healthcare outcomes. Blood glucose monitors, urine dipsticks, pregnancy tests, rapid strep tests, rapid HIV tests, hemoglobin level tests are common examples of PoCT. In the past few years PoCT have advanced and the field is showing strong growth, as evidenced by new clinical or consumer products research and development directions. The widespread use of this set of technologies is driven by healthcare emphasis shifting towards greater healthcare awareness, precision treatment, optimization of patient management process, and chronic disease management − combined with advances in electronic devices and information technology. 

   Point-of-care technologies add to the effectiveness and efficiency in healthcare delivery. PoC devices provide critical information to clinicians assisting in the management of patient care. Point-of-care technology enables diagnosis at home, in the hospital, in an ambulance, or in the field; it effectively delivers high quality of life care at the patient’s bedside, or in the corner of a consulting room, doing away with procedures that require an entire laboratory and long hours to arrive at a proper diagnosis.

   Point-of-Care procedures involve faster and leaner processes as testing is done on bedside and fewer steps are necessary to produce the result.

These are some of the advantages of PoCT:

− They eliminate the need for processing and aliquoting, transporting the specimen to the laboratory, and communicating results back to the clinical staff.

− Faster access to test results allows for rapid clinical decision making, enabling more appropriate treatments and interventions.

− They require smaller sample volumes than those needed for traditional laboratory testing.

− They can also help reduce the frequency of testing errors like inappropriate sampling errors, errors during preparation or packaging of samples, and patient misidentification.

− The fact that PoCT is often performed by the individual providing care to the patient may help decrease post analytical errors due to incorrect transmission of test results.  

(Adapted from:  
Segundo o texto, os aplicativos PoCT

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Alternativa correta: D -

permitem agilizar um diagnóstico, pois fornecem resultados rapidamente, onde quer que se encontre o paciente.

Vamos entender o tema da questão e como abordá-lo. A questão refere-se às tecnologias de Point-of-Care (PoCT) que são mencionadas no texto. Essas tecnologias são utilizadas no local de atendimento ao paciente, melhorando os resultados na área da saúde. Exemplos comuns incluem monitores de glicose no sangue, testes rápidos de HIV, e outros dispositivos que facilitam diagnósticos rápidos e precisos.

O texto destaca diversas vantagens dessas tecnologias, como a eliminação da necessidade de processamento e transporte das amostras para laboratórios, acesso rápido a resultados, menor volume de amostras necessário, e redução de erros de teste.

Justificativa da alternativa correta:

A alternativa D está correta porque resume bem as informações fornecidas no texto. O trecho "Point-of-care technology enables diagnosis at home, in the hospital, in an ambulance, or in the field" indica que essas tecnologias permitem diagnósticos rápidos em qualquer lugar onde o paciente esteja. Isso é complementado pela afirmação de que elas entregam cuidados de alta qualidade à beira do leito do paciente ou em uma sala de consulta.

Justificativa das alternativas incorretas:

A -

oferecem resultados confiáveis apesar de exigirem amostras maiores do que as necessárias para exames convencionais.
Esta alternativa está incorreta porque o texto menciona que PoCT "require smaller sample volumes than those needed for traditional laboratory testing", ou seja, elas exigem volumes menores de amostra.

B - demandam pouco conhecimento tecnológico, pois sua operação é bastante intuitiva. O texto não aborda o nível de conhecimento tecnológico necessário para operar esses dispositivos, então não podemos afirmar que eles sejam intuitivos com base na informação fornecida.

C -

possibilitam uma tomada de decisão precoce, com um impacto direto no diagnóstico clínico e nos custos ao sistema de saúde.
Embora essa alternativa pareça correta em um primeiro olhar, especialmente no que diz respeito à tomada de decisão rápida, o texto não menciona especificamente o impacto nos custos ao sistema de saúde.

E - reduzem os pedidos de exames laboratoriais desnecessários. O texto não menciona explicitamente a redução de pedidos de exames laboratoriais desnecessários, então essa alternativa está incorreta.

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"Faster access to test results allows for rapid clinical decision making, enabling more appropriate treatments and interventions"

Letra D.

Letra D

2° parágrafo

Point-of-care technology enables diagnosis at home, in the hospital, in an ambulance, or in the field; it effectively delivers high quality of life care at the patient’s bedside, or in the corner of a consulting room, doing away with procedures that require an entire laboratory and long hours to arrive at a proper diagnosis.


Point-of-care technology enables diagnosis at home, in the hospital, in an ambulance, or in the field; it effectively delivers high quality of life care at the patient’s bedside, or in the corner of a consulting room, doing away with procedures that require an entire laboratory and long hours to arrive at a proper diagnosis.

I was never really cut out for medicine personality-wise, but the text does make it out to be quite easy with all the available technology at our disposal

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