My name’s Lauren. I don’t work full-time. I’ve got ...

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Q306671 Inglês
My name’s Lauren. I don’t work full-time. I’ve got a part-time job in a fast food restaurant. I work on one or two evenings a week and on Saturdays. I work about fifteen hours a week. The pay isn’t very good, I get about $3.80 an hour but it’s hard work. I work because I need the money. I like going out and I buy CDs and clothes. They’re expensive and I get $10.00 a week pocket money. But I’m leaving my job in may because I’ve got exams and I need to work for them. I can get a different job in the summer.

After read about Lauren, answer the questions.

1) Where does Lauren work?
2) How many hours a week does she work?
3) What does Lauren buy with her money?
4) Why is Lauren leaving her job?
5) When is Lauren going to get a new job?

In the right sequence, the answers are: