Observe the sentence below and analyse the following statem...
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Ano: 2015
Prefeitura de Tapejara - RS
FUNDATEC - 2015 - Prefeitura de Tapejara - RS - Professor de Língua Inglesa |
Texto associado

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

(Source: http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2013/feb/14/teaching-english-creatively-
outstanding-results – Adapted)
Observe the sentence below
and analyse the following statements:
“Pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material” (l.26-27).
I. ‘can’ could be replaced by ‘are going to’ without affecting the meaning. II. The question form of the sentence is “Do pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material?”. III. To form a negation, you only need to insert the word ‘no’ after ‘can’.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
“Pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material” (l.26-27).
I. ‘can’ could be replaced by ‘are going to’ without affecting the meaning. II. The question form of the sentence is “Do pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material?”. III. To form a negation, you only need to insert the word ‘no’ after ‘can’.
Which ones are INCORRECT?