According to paragraph 10, the correct alternative is:
By Charles Choi | October 25, 2017 1:00 pm
Paragraph 1 Tsunamis have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the
past two decades.Now a new study finds that a 6,000-year-old
skull may come from the earliest known victim of these killer
Paragraph 2 The partial human skull was discovered in 1929 buried in a
mangrove swamp outside the small town of Aitape Papua New
Guinea, about 500 miles north of Australia. Scientists originally
thought it belonged to an ancient extinct human species, Homo
erectus. However, subsequent research dated it to about 5,000
or 6,000 years in age, suggesting that it instead belonged to a
modern human.
A Rare Specimen
Paragraph 3 The skull is one of just two examples of ancient human remains
found in Papua New Guinea after more than a century of work
there. As such, archaeologists wanted to learn more about this
skull to elucidate how people settled this region.
Paragraph 4 The scientists went back to where this skull was found and
sampled the soil in which itwas discovered. They focused on
details such as sediment grain size and composition.
Paragraph 5 In the sediment, the researchers discovered a range of
microscopic organisms from the ocean known as diatoms. These
were similar to ones found in the soil after a 1998 tsunami killed
more than 2,000 people in Papua New Guinea — for instance,
their shells of silicawere broken, likely by extremely powerful
Paragraph 6 These diatom shells, combined with the chemical compositions
and the size ranges of the grains, all suggest that a tsunami
occurred when the skull was buried. The researchers suggested
the catastrophe either directly killed the person or ripped open
their grave.
Paragraph 7 Tsunamis, which are giant waves caused by earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions or underwater landslides, are some of the
deadliest natural disasters known. The 2004 tsunami in the
Indian Ocean killed more than 230,000 people, a higher death
toll than any fire or hurricane.
Paragraph 8 The site where the skull was found is currently about 7.5 miles
away from thecoast. Still, the researchers noted that back when
whoever the skull belonged to wasalive, sea levels were higher,
and the area would have been just behind the shoreline.
Paragraph 9 The waves of the tsunami that hit Papua New Guinea in 1998
reached more than 50 feet high and penetrated up to three miles
inland. “If the event we have identified resulted from a similar
process, it could have also resulted in extremely high waves,”
study co-lead author Mark Golitko, an archaeologist at the
University of Notre Dame in Indiana and the Field Museum in
Paragraph 10 These results show “that coastal populations have been
vulnerable to such events for thousands of years,” Golitko said.
“People have managed to live with such unpredictable and
destructive occurrences, but it highlights how vulnerable people
living near the sea can be. Given the far larger populations that
live along coastlines today, the potential impacts are far more
Paragraph 11 Golitko plans to return to the area over thenext few years “to
further study the frequency of such events, how the
environment changed over time, and how people have coped
with the environmental challenges of living in that environment.”
He and his colleagues detailed their findings Wednesday in the
journal PLOS O.
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"Given the far larger populations that live along coastlines today, the potential impacts are far more severenow.”
"Given the far larger populations that live along coastlines today, the potential impacts are far more severenow.”
T = "Dadas as populações muito maiores que vivem ao longo da costa hoje, os impactos potenciais são muito mais severos."
Alternativa D:
Due to the far larger populations that live along the coastlines today, the possible consequences of a tsunami are far more critical now.
T = Devido às populações muito maiores que vivem ao longo da costa hoje, as possíveis conseqüências de um tsunami são muito mais críticas agora.
Gabarito: D.
Questão de interpretação de texto, porém não era necessário ler o texto todo. No enunciado, já conseguimos identificar onde está a informação necessária para respondê-la. Vamos ao enunciado:
De acordo com o parágrafo 10, a alternativa correta é:
Tradução do parágrafo 10:
Esses resultados mostram “que as populações costeiras são vulneráveis a esses eventos há milhares de anos”, disse Golitko. “As pessoas conseguiram conviver com ocorrências tão imprevisíveis e destrutivas, mas isso mostra como as pessoas que vivem perto do mar podem ser vulneráveis. Dadas as populações muito maiores que vivem ao longo das costas hoje, os impactos potenciais são muito mais graves agora”.
Analisando as alternativas:
A) Incorreta - Populations that live along coastlines are not vulnerable to tsunamis and other natural disasters.
As populações que vivem ao longo das costas não são vulneráveis a tsunamis e outros desastres naturais.
Pelo contrário, o trecho diz que essas populações são vulneráveis.
B) Incorreta - Due to the larger populations that live along the coastlines today, the possible consequences of a tsunami are less significant now.
Devido às populações maiores que vivem ao longo das costas hoje, as possíveis consequências de um tsunami são menos significativas agora.
Não, pelo contrário, são mais críticas agora.
C) Incorreta - A thousand years ago, far larger populations lived along the coastlines.
Mil anos atrás, populações muito maiores viviam ao longo das costas.
Pelo contrário, o trecho diz que hoje as populações que vivem ao longo das margens são maiores.
D) Correta - Due to the far larger populations that live along the coastlines today, the possible consequences of a tsunami are far more critical now.
Devido às populações muito maiores que vivem ao longo das costas hoje, as possíveis consequências de um tsunami são muito mais críticas agora.
Sim, frase está de acordo com o que foi dito no trecho.
Gabarito: D
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