Leia o texto a seguir. How do most teachers use micro-dic...

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Q3062006 Inglês
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How do most teachers use micro-dictations?
      However ‘small’ they are, micro-dictations have great value! They can help students notice connected speech, which is what usually blocks their understanding in a listening lesson. The teacher reads the sentences or plays the recording. They repeat each sentence a few times. Example: He must have gone out.
      Students listen and write what they hear.
      The teacher now writes the sentence on the whiteboard and asks students to compare it to theirs.
      Finally, the teacher asks: which part was difficult to understand and why?

TSATERI, Rachel. World of better learning. Disponível em: https://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2023/06/11/using-micro-dictations-to-helpstudents-notice-connected-speech/. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

O texto acima discorre sobre como os professores podem usar micro-dictations. Qual das estratégias abaixo corresponde a uma técnica de micro-dictation? 