O texto abaixo foi retirado de um artigo sobre feedback no ...

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Q3062009 Inglês
O texto abaixo foi retirado de um artigo sobre feedback no ensino de inglês. Complete as lacunas com os termos correspondentes, considerando o sentido global do texto.

      Finding and identifying problems helps students practice detecting problems. Problem identification is found to be more important for reviewer learning, perhaps because reviewers are involved in more highly cognitive demanding activities when identifying problems. Interestingly, it is easier to see problems in documents/objects produced by ____________ than in ____________ documents because learners often “see” what they meant to produce and not what they actually produced. Thus, ____________ may be an easier context in which to practice skills related to repairing errors because errors are more easily detected
SCHUNN, Christian D. The Learning Science of Multi - Peer Feedback for EFL Students. Disponível em: https://www.lrdc.pitt.edu/schunn/papers/The%20Learning%20Sci_for_EFL_Student s_Schunn_Wu_2019.pdf. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

Em sequência, as palavras que completam corretamente essas lacunas são: 