1____Over the last few decades, Brazil has enhanced theparti...

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1____Over the last few decades, Brazil has enhanced the

participation of children and young people, closing the gap,

at least in some respects, with high-performing countries.

4 Early childhood education has been expanded, enrolment in

primary education is close to universal, and around 80% of

the cohort participate in lower secondary education, with

7 well over half now progressing to upper secondary

education. Tertiary participation has also grown, and access

enhanced for the most disadvantaged. Despite major

10 advances, attainment and participation is still behind the

OECD average. Moreover, disadvantaged individuals face

barriers both in accessing and remaining in education. As a

13 result, levels of attainment and participation in education

vary significantly across Brazil’s population. While socioeconomic

background and regional differences are factors in

16 all systems, their impacts are stronger in Brazil than in many

comparable countries. Moreover, a large proportion of

18 young people do not complete education on time or at all.

OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective, OECD

Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/60a667f7-en. 238 pgs. with


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