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Q2328563 Inglês

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Brazil’s Supreme Court to vote on decriminalising abortion  

By Katy Watson 

Brazil’s Supreme Court has started voting on whether to decriminalise abortion. However, the session was quickly postponed after a minister called for the vote to take place in person instead of via video – and no new date has yet been set.  

Currently, abortion is only allowed in three cases: that of rape, risk to the woman's life and anencephaly – when the foetus has an undeveloped brain. 

If the Supreme Court votes in favour, abortion will be decriminalised up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. [...] 

Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 set. 2023. Adaptado.  

As orações condicionais permitem explorar cenários hipotéticos e possíveis, pois possibilita analisar diferentes desdobramentos de uma situação, além de examinar as possíveis consequências de certas ações ou eventos. Considerando o trecho “If the Supreme Court votes in favour, abortion will be decriminalised up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.”, qual ideia o autor deseja expressar nele? 