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The story of American literature begins in the early 1600s, long before there were any “Americans”. The earliest writers were Englishmen describing the English exploration and colonization of the New World. Thomas Hariot’s Briefe and True Report of the New-Found Land of Virginia (1588) was only the first of such works. Back in England, people planning to move to Virginia and New England would read the books as travel guides. But this was dangerous because such books often mixed facts with fantasy. For example, one writer wrote that he had seen lions in Massachusetts. It’s probable that these “true reports” had a second kind of reader. People could certainly read them as tales of adventure and excitement. Like modern readers of science fiction, they could enjoy imaginary voyages to places they could never visit in reality.

(P. B. High. Outline of American Literature. Essex, UK, Longman.
1996. Adaptado)
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