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Q1095653 Inglês
A questão parte de breves excertos do livro The practice of English language teaching, de J. Harmer, 4th ed., Longman, 2007 (adaptado).
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    The fact that some students are able to acquire reasonable pronunciation without explicit teaching should not blind us to the benefits of a focus on pronunciation in our lessons. Pronunciation teaching not only makes students aware of different sounds and sound features but can also help them achieve the goal of improved comprehension and intelligibility.     One question we need to answer is how good our students’ pronunciation ought to be. Should they sound like native speakers, so perfect that just by listening to them we would assume that they are British or American or Australian? Or is this asking too much? Perhaps we should be happy if they can at least make themselves understood. In fact, frequently foreign language speakers want to retain their own accent when they speak the foreign language because that is part of their identity.
O excerto aborda temas hoje em dia muito presentes quando se fala em ensino de inglês oral e de pronúncia. Segundo o autor,