The dissemination of English linked to the expansion and do...

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Q2569888 Inglês
The dissemination of English linked to the expansion and domination of the British Empire is only part of the story of the language’s progression across the globe. Today English is the primary language in some sixty countries and continues to spread, especially as a second language. A useful model to document the expansion of English today, developed by an Indian-American linguist, Braj B. Kachru, employs three concentric circles to reflect the different ways in which English continues to gain new speakers. That being so, read the statements that follow, which are, at some point and extent, associated with the model to document the expansion of English today, and check the correct answer.
(I) The Inner Circle represents the English language’s traditional heartland, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, where it is spoken as a native tongue by some 350 million people. (II) The Outer Circle comprises non-native countries where English has an important status as an official second language, including post colonial countries such as Singapore, Kenya, and India. (III) The Expanding Circle encompasses all other countries where English is recognized either as a foreign language or as a lingua franca, therefore being used in business and trade, but where it does not have a special status, such as China and Japan. 
The statement(s) that may be considered correct is/are: