Cohesion and coherence are important aspects of writing as ...

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Q2569893 Inglês
Cohesion and coherence are important aspects of writing as they have an influence on the readability of the argument of a text. Coherence is about the unity of the ideas, on the other hand, cohesion is about the unity of structural elements. If a text is coherent, it is logically ordered and connected. If the elements of a text are cohesive, they are united and work together contributing to its meaning. Both cohesion and coherence are essential when structuring paragraphs. That said, read the excerpts that follow, whose topic is related to “Teachers´ Identities”, then number them. After organizing the excerpts in a cohesive and coherent well-structured paragraph, check the correct answer.
( ) Identity has been defined as ‘what makes you similar to yourself and different from others’ (Deschamp and Devos 1998, p. 3). ( ) Although the definition of professional identity varies between researchers, many scholars have been suggesting that important concepts on professional identity have been provided throughout the years. ( ) That being so, teachers’ effectiveness and commitment towards their job tend to be related to the way they value their significance and professionalism. ( ) The importance of exploring teachers’ identities and how these identities influence their effectiveness has also been emphasized. ( ) In other words, the way teachers value themselves is more likely to be related to their professional identities.