The Communicative Language Teaching is defined as an approa...

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Q2569894 Inglês
The Communicative Language Teaching is defined as an approach of teaching a second or a foreign language that focuses on learners’ interaction whether as the means or the ultimate goal of learning a target language. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach that aims to achieve communicative rather than linguistic competence through learner interaction. Born in the 1980s, this strategy to language teaching is based on the philosophy that, in order to learn a language, one must practice using that language to communicate meaning to others. Communicative language teaching integrates reading, writing, and speaking, which can have students practice multiple skills at once. It also uses groups or pairs for activities and tools and technology to create a more individualized learning experience for students. There are some characteristics of CLT in English Language Teaching classroom. Having said that, check the alternative whose information may not be associated with the potential characteristics or theoretical framework of the Communicative Language Teaching approach. 