According to José Carlos Libâneo (2013), the planning of the...

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Q2286503 Inglês
According to José Carlos Libâneo (2013), the planning of the school year involves organizing and coordinating activities to achieve the goals that were previously established, as well as reviewing and adjusting them through the year. He says that planning serves many purposes related to school, teaching, and classroom management. Analyze the statements about the author’s take on these purposes and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The planning should explain the principles, guidelines, and procedures of teaching that ensure the articulation between the school's tasks and the criteria of the social context.
( ) It should be as detailed as possible, so the school can ensure teachers and students follow the plan exactly as described, no matter the circumstances.
( ) It should decide the objectives, contents and methods, based on the demands posed by social reality and individual conditions of the students.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is: