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Q642187 Inglês

                    Vigilance needed to ensure safe infant food

                   WHO and FAO alert countries to possible spread of

                            melamine-contaminated dairy products

      WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are urging affected countries to ensure safe feeding of millions of infants following the ongoing melamine-contaminated milk crisis in China. The two agencies also call on countries to be alert to the possible spread of melamine-contaminated dairy products.

      “While breastfeeding is the ideal way of providing infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development, it is also critical to ensure that there is an adequate supply of safe powdered infant formula to meet the needs of infants who are not breastfed”, said Dr Jorgen Schlundt, Director of the WHO Food Safety Department.

      Replacing powdered infant formula with other products such as condensed milk, honey mixed with milk, or fresh milk is inappropriate as such products would put at risk the safety and nutritional status of this vulnerable population group, the two agencies advised.

      “Restoring consumer confidence is critical. Melamine-contaminated products should be removed from the food chain in order to prevent further exposure. The safe supply of dairy products needs to be restored immediately,” said Dr Ezzeddine Boutrif, Director of the FAO Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division.

Safe feeding for infants

      WHO recommends that all infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk for the first six months of life. No other liquid or food, not even water, is needed during this period. Thereafter, infants should receive adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues up to two years of age and beyond.

      Following reports of findings of imported melaminecontaminated products in several countries over the last two weeks, countries should closely monitor their markets. The two agencies highlighted that melamine-contaminated products could reach markets in other countries through both formal and informal trade. Getting information about the origin of the product, up-to-date recall information or in some cases testing for melamine contamination might be considered. If found contaminated, appropriate actions such as product recall and safe disposal should be taken, based on an assessment of the risk to human health.      

Safe supply of food critical 

      Food safety is not the sole responsibility of public authorities. The food industry is also responsible for ensuring a safe supply of food to the consumer. “It is critical that the industry strongly invests in food safety and adopts a food safety culture covering the food chain from raw materials through to the final product,” said Dr Boutrif.

      Incidents such as melamine contamination in China not only impact food safety and human health but also put the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of dairy farmers at risk. “There is a need for countries to do major investment in strengthening their food control and food-borne disease surveillance systems as it could minimize the potential occurrence of food safety incidents like this one”, said Dr Schlundt. 

      The melamine-contaminated dairy products event first came to the attention of the international organizations on 11th September. Both WHO and FAO have used the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) to inform and update national food safety authorities on this crisis, one of the largest in recent years.

      Over 54,000 children have sought medical treatment in China after drinking melamine-contaminated infant formula. Almost 12,900 are currently hospitalized. 

      Melamine is commonly used in food contact materials (e.g. containers, labels, etc.) and can also be used in agriculture production such as fertilizer. Whether this has a potential for carry-over into food at low concentrations (usually in the range of microgram per kilogram) and further impact on human health may need further evaluation.

      Melamine on its own is of low toxicity. But animal studies have suggested that kidney problems occur when melamine is present in combination with cyanuric acid, a potential impurity of melamine. The level of melamine found in the contaminated infant formula has been as high as 2,560 miligram per kilogram of food, while the level of cyanuric acid is unknown.

                                                                          Available in: 

According to the text, analyze the assertions below, put T for True or F for False and choose the alternative that presents the correct sequence.

( ) After the diagnosis show that children were contaminated, studies had confirmed that cyanuric acid and melamine induce kidney problems.

( ) Public authorities and food industry are responsible for preventing melamine food contamination, exclusively.

( ) According to Dr. Jorgen Schlundt, breast milk is compounded of indispensable nutrients children need for the first year of their lives, and none of the supplies are capable of providing them.


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A alternativa correta é a E: F / F / F.

Vamos analisar cada uma das afirmações e explicar o porquê de cada uma estar correta ou incorreta:

( ) After the diagnosis show that children were contaminated, studies had confirmed that cyanuric acid and melamine induce kidney problems.

Falso. Embora o texto mencione que a melamina em combinação com o ácido cianúrico pode causar problemas renais, não há confirmação de que após o diagnóstico de contaminação das crianças, estudos específicos tenham confirmado essa relação. A frase no texto diz: "But animal studies have suggested that kidney problems occur when melamine is present in combination with cyanuric acid, a potential impurity of melamine." Isso sugere uma relação baseada em estudos com animais, mas não confirma estudos específicos após o diagnóstico das crianças contaminadas.

( ) Public authorities and food industry are responsible for preventing melamine food contamination, exclusively.

Falso. A responsabilidade pela segurança alimentar não é exclusiva das autoridades públicas e da indústria de alimentos. O texto afirma: "Food safety is not the sole responsibility of public authorities. The food industry is also responsible for ensuring a safe supply of food to the consumer." Portanto, ambas as partes têm responsabilidades, mas a frase sugere exclusividade, o que não é verdade.

( ) According to Dr. Jorgen Schlundt, breast milk is compounded of indispensable nutrients children need for the first year of their lives, and none of the supplies are capable of providing them.

Falso. Dr. Jorgen Schlundt menciona brevemente sobre a importância do leite materno, mas a citação exata é: "While breastfeeding is the ideal way of providing infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development, it is also critical to ensure that there is an adequate supply of safe powdered infant formula to meet the needs of infants who are not breastfed." Ele não afirma que o leite materno contém nutrientes indispensáveis para o primeiro ano e que nenhum outro suprimento é capaz de fornecer esses nutrientes. Ele apenas destaca a importância do leite materno e a necessidade de fórmulas infantis seguras para aqueles que não são amamentados.

Portanto, a sequência correta é F / F / F, ou seja, a alternativa E está correta.

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Gabarito FFF - letra E

ERREI - As alternativas I e III pareciam certas, mas

( ) After the diagnosis show that children were contaminated, studies had confirmed that cyanuric acid and melamine induce kidney problems. - Pode-se entender do texto que o ácido cianúrico sozinho não induz problemas renais

But animal studies have suggested that kidney problems occur when melamine is present in combination with cyanuric acid, a potential impurity of melamine. 

Mas estudos em animais sugeriram que problemas renais ocorrem quando a melamina está presente em combinação com o ácido cianúrico, uma potencial impureza da melamina.

( ) Public authorities and food industry are responsible for preventing melamine food contamination, exclusively.

Food safety is not the sole responsibility of public authorities. The food industry is also responsible for ensuring a safe supply of food to the consumer. “It is critical that the industry strongly invests in food safety and adopts a food safety culture covering the food chain from raw materials through to the final product,” said Dr Boutrif.

A segurança alimentar não é de responsabilidade exclusiva das autoridades públicas. A indústria de alimentos também é responsável por garantir um fornecimento seguro de alimentos ao consumidor. "É fundamental que a indústria invista fortemente em segurança alimentar e adote uma cultura de segurança alimentar que cubra a cadeia alimentar, desde as matérias-primas até o produto final", disse Boutrif.

( ) According to Dr. Jorgen Schlundt, breast milk is compounded of indispensable nutrients children need for the first year of their lives, and none of the supplies are capable of providing them.

“While breastfeeding is the ideal way of providing infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development, it is also critical to ensure that there is an adequate supply of safe powdered infant formula to meet the needs of infants who are not breastfed”, said Dr Jorgen Schlundt, 

“Embora a amamentação seja a maneira ideal de fornecer aos bebês os nutrientes necessários para um crescimento e desenvolvimento saudáveis, também é essencial garantir que haja um suprimento adequado de fórmula infantil em pó segura para atender às necessidades de bebês que não são amamentados”, disse o Dr. Jorgen Schlundt, 

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