Em Vocabulando (p. 416), Isa Mara Lando analisa dois diferen...
Em Vocabulando (p. 416), Isa Mara Lando analisa dois diferentes usos e contextos de emprego do verbo “realize”:
1. Realizar, concretizar, cumprir, empreender; implementar; pôr em prática, levar a cabo, fazer acontecer, tornar realidade.
2. Perceber, atinar, dar-se conta, captar, compreender, concluir, conscientizar-se, descobrir, entender, ver, ter um clique, cair a ficha.
Em cada alternativa abaixo, relacione o contexto dos verbos sublinhados aos campos semânticos 1 ou 2 e então marque a alternativa correspondente:
(_) In some cases, a woman with sexually transmitted disease may not learn of her infection until, for example, she tries to become pregnant and realizes she is infertile.
(_) Scientists have realized that they need to make a more serious effort to engage with how their work is presented to the public.
(_) How can we, as researchers, be optimistic about climate change if the level of dangerous anthropogenic impact is actually higher than we realized?
(_) Advances in technology are helping investigators realize their goal of unlocking the secrets of the brains.