What is the main conclusion of the article regarding the use...
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Ano: 2024
FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Manhuaçu - MG
FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2024 - Prefeitura de Manhuaçu - MG - Professor II - Inglês |
Texto associado
This article is concerned with the role of reading aloud
(RA) in language learning. General ELT methodology
literature does not recommend the practice. However,
recent research and specialist literature recommend
using RA for various purposes. It can help reading by
reinforcing graphemicphonemic correspondences. It can
aid the acquisition of prosodic features of English and help
to develop writing skills by using it as oral proofreading.
RA can also be used as a technique for autonomous
learning and may help some anxious students to feel more
able to speak. It is suggested that the benefits of RA could
outweigh the disadvantages, and that the latter could be
mitigated by careful and appropriate use of the activity.
A small study of NS and NNS teachers and learners gives
support to most of the purposes recommended above.
This evidence suggests that the role of RA in language
learning should now be reappraised.
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249252655_
Reading_aloud_A_useful_learning_tool. Accessed on Sept. 12th, 2024.
What is the main conclusion of the article regarding the use
of reading aloud (RA) in language learning?