Read the following text to answer the question. It's part of...

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Com base no mesmo assunto
Q2744222 Inglês

Read the following text to answer the question. It's part of a 50-minute lesson plan for a group of pre-intermediate students in which the activities have been jumbled.


Teacher asks learners what animals make the best pets.


Working in groups learners discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets in and out of the context of the text and then report them to the class.


Teacher elicits/teaches essential vocabulary and writes it on the board.


Learner read the text (max. 2 mins.) to see whose predictions was closest to the story.


Working in groups learners predict content of story from vocabulary and headline and then report their predictions to the class.


Learners read the text to answer more intensive reading questions.

WATKINS, P. Learning to Teach English – a practical introduction for new teachers. Surrey, England: DELTA Publishing. 2006. p. 110. [Adaptado].

The activities that correspond to “fase de pré-leitura” as caracterized in the PCNs (1998) are
