1____The Sower came out to sow. He sowed all day andnight ca...

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Q2403481 Inglês

1____The Sower came out to sow. He sowed all day and

night caught him still with his hands full of seeds. He sowed

quietly, without thinking of harvest, because much had he

4 harvested from what others sowed. Young man, be that

sower. Sow with optimism. Sow with idealism the living

6 seeds of Peace and Justice. Cora Coralina (APUD TOREZAN, 2021)

TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.

Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.

After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
