“Do poor children have less ‘language ability’ than rich on...

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Q1787976 Inglês
“Do poor children have less ‘language ability’ than rich ones? The way the term is being used above certainly makes it sound as if they do. But no, they don’t. Linguists have known for years that all children—including poor children—have impressive language ability. The vast majority of children enter school with vocabularies fully fit for everyday life, with complex grammar and with deep understandings of experiences and stories. It has been decades since anyone believed that poor and minority children entered school with ‘no language’ (Labov, 1972; Gee, 1996). Every human being, barring those with very serious disorders, acquires a complex native language early in life, a language fully fit for the task of leading daily life in a human culture.” (GEE, James Paul. Situated Language and Learning: a critique of traditional schooling. London, Routdlege, 2004.)
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