Match the strategies offered below to the different teaching...
Read Text 1 and answer the question.
Text 1
1. Multiliteracies posture 2. The Audio Lingual method 3. The Grammar-Translation method 4. Communicative Language teaching
( ) Presenting target-language reading passages and answering questions that follow. ( ) Discussing cultural diversity through different means such as written texts and blogs. ( ) Repeating patterns until students are able to form new habits in the target language. ( ) Offering students authentic materials that may function as triggers for classroom interactions.
Mark the option which indicates the correct matching, from top to bottom.
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GAB.: B.
The Grammar-Translation method: Presenting target-language reading passages and answering questions that follow. Observa-se que o foco da atividade está na GRAMÁTICA.
Multiliteracies posture: Discussing cultural diversity through different means such as written texts and blogs. É possível dizer que uma das características centrais dos multiletramentes (multiliteracies) é levar em conta os MÚLTIPLOS CONTEXTOS CULTURAIS E LINGUAGENS (textos, globs, vídeos, memes, etc.). Tema super atual!
The Audio Lingual method: Repeating patterns until students are able to form new habits in the target language. DRILLS, DRILLS e + DRILLS. Foco na oralidade (porém "mecânica"; e não autêntica como a CLT).
Communicative Language teaching (CLT): Offering students authentic materials that may function as triggers for classroom interactions. Falou em MATERIAS AUTÊNTICOS, INTERAÇÃO e REAL-LIFE COMMUNICATION, falou em CLT. A queridinha do momento (e com razão!).
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