The phrase “stunted professional growth” implies that profe...
Read Text 4 and answer the question.
Text 4
Exploring Identity-based Challenges to English Teachers’ Professional Growth
Heather Camp
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Research on pre-service teacher education indicates that identity construction is an important facet of becoming a teacher. To establish oneself as a teaching professional, a person must craft a teacher identity out of the personal and professional discourses that surround him/her. This idea is consistent with contemporary theories of identity construction, which posit that the self is discursively constructed, made and remade by the various discourses that encompass the person. Such discourses -- “pattern[s] of thinking, speaking, behaving, and interacting that [are] socially, culturally, and historically constructed and sanctioned by a specific group or groups of people” (Miller Marsh 456) -- are constantly intermingling, wrangling for ideological power and dynamically shaping one another. To construct an identity, an individual must integrate these diverse discourses, weaving them together to form a dynamic but cohesive sense of self. On one hand, this twining process has the potential to promote psychological development, leading to the attainment of “an expanded, integrated self, more diverse and richer in the possibilities for action that these multiple identities afford” (Brown 676). Yet, it also may produce identity destabilization and fragmentation, leading to uncertainty, distress and stymied psychological growth.
New teachers are confronted with the task of adopting new discourses, and of forging relationships between old and new strands of their identities. Succeeding at this process facilitates the development of a secure and satisfying professional sense-ofself: research indicates that the attainment of an integrated identity helps teachers transition into and find satisfaction within the teaching profession, teach effectively, and nurture students’ self-development. Further, it suggests that attaining a cohesive identity better prepares teachers to champion educational reform.
Yet, research also suggests that accessing this array of rewards can be difficult. As teachers seek to integrate their teacherly roles with other discourses that contribute to their sense of self, they may encounter identity conflicts that work against a sense of identity cohesiveness. Encountering such conflicts can lead to emotional turmoil and stunted professional growth, even leading some student teachers (and practicing teachers) to leave the teaching profession altogether.
Growing awareness of the importance of professional identity construction and the psychological labor it demands has led to an upsurge in scholarship on pre-service teacher identity formation. […] This scholarship has drawn attention to the complexity of identity construction for pre-service teachers and offered educators insights into how they might support these students through this important work.
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A alternativa correta é A - impeded.
Vamos agora entender mais detalhadamente o porquê.
A questão aborda o tema da construção da identidade profissional dos professores de inglês e os desafios associados a esse processo. É essencial compreender que a construção dessa identidade envolve a integração de diversos discursos pessoais e profissionais, uma tarefa que, se bem-sucedida, pode levar ao desenvolvimento de uma identidade profissional coesa e satisfatória.
Porém, o texto também destaca que este processo pode encontrar obstáculos, resultando em conflitos de identidade que podem levar a um crescimento profissional inibido, ou seja, “stunted professional growth”. A frase implica que o crescimento profissional pode ser impedido devido a esses conflitos e dificuldades.
Vamos analisar as alternativas para entender melhor:
A - impeded: Esta é a alternativa correta. "Impeded" significa impedido, algo que está bloqueado ou obstruído. Isso se alinha perfeitamente com a ideia de que o crescimento profissional pode ser inibido ou parado devido aos conflitos de identidade.
B - extended: "Extended" significa prolongado ou estendido. Esta alternativa não faz sentido no contexto da frase, pois não se refere a algo que esteja sendo dificultado ou parado, mas sim prolongado.
C - promoted: "Promoted" significa promovido. Isso é o oposto do significado desejado na frase. Em vez de indicar um crescimento facilitado, estamos falando de um crescimento que está sendo impedido.
D - developed: "Developed" significa desenvolvido. Novamente, esta alternativa sugere um crescimento positivo e facilitado, não se encaixando no contexto de algo que está sendo impedido.
E - strengthened: "Strengthened" significa fortalecido. Embora tenha uma conotação positiva de melhora ou intensificação, não se adequa ao sentido de "stunted," que é de crescimento bloqueado ou obstruído.
Por isso, a alternativa que melhor traduz a ideia de “stunted professional growth” é A - impeded.
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Impeded = impedir
prevent, stop, impede, hinder, block, preclude
"stunted" means "atrofiado", ou seja,
"having been prevented from growing or developing properly."
Letra A, impeded.
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