In the first sentence of the third paragraph, “heinous crime...

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Q1797758 Inglês
    In a nutshell, police officers maintain law and order, protect the general public, investigate crimes and prevent criminal activity from happening.
    If you become a police officer, your career will be all about crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. Policing is such a varied career path that you could find yourself doing all kinds of activities.
    You might be responsible for preventing heinous crimes and stopping dangerous criminal groups, such as organised crime syndicates. Alternatively, you might be working to diminish anti-social behaviour, or you might be taking part in counter-terrorism activities.
    Moreover, you might be responsible for investigating crimes against people and their property, or maintaining public peace and order at large events, public gatherings and protests.
     At all times, police officers must make sure their actions comply with current legislation. Consequently, police officers must keep up to date with the latest developments in crime detection and prevention.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Concerning the text above, judge the following item.
In the first sentence of the third paragraph, “heinous crimes” could be appropriately replaced by petty crimes.


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Gabarito: errado.

"heinous crimes" - crimes hediondos

"petty crimes" - pequenos delitos

petty - insignificante, pequeno, miúdo, mesquinho


A afirmativa é de que, no terceiro parágrafo, “heinous crimes” pode ser substituído por “petty crimes”, mas está errado, pois “heinous crimes” significa “crimes hediondos” e “petty crimes” significa “pequenos delitos” e, portanto, está incorreto.

Tal questão foi anulada:

O uso do termo “appropriately” faz que a redação possa se referir tanto à adequação gramatical quanto à semântica. 



CEBRASPE: O uso do termo “appropriately” faz que a redação possa se referir tanto à adequação gramatical quanto à semântica. 

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