At UK's AI Summit developers and govts agree on testing to h...

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At UK's AI Summit developers and govts agree on testing to help manage risks

Leading AI developers agreed to work with governments to test new frontier models before they are released to help manage the risks of the rapidly developing technology, in a "landmark achievement" concluding the UK's artificial intelligence summit.

Some tech and political leaders have warned that AI poses huge risks if not controlled, ranging from eroding consumer privacy to danger to humans and causing a global catastrophe, and these concerns have sparked a race by governments and institutions to design safeguards and regulation.

At an inaugural AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, home of Britain's World War Two codebreakers, political leaders from the United States, European Union and China agreed on Wednesday to share a common approach to identifying risks and ways to mitigate them.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that declaration, the action on testing and a pledge to set up an international panel on risk would "tip the balance in favour of humanity".

He said the United States, EU and other "like-minded" countries had reached a "landmark agreement" with select companies working at AI's cutting edge on the principle that models should be rigorously assessed before and after they are deployed.

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Based on the passage, what is one of the main outcomes of the UK's artificial intelligence summit in relation to managing the risks of AI?
