The agreement will bring about a reduction of 10% to 15% in ...
Brazil has historically been at odds with the US and the multinational pharmaceutical industry on a variety of issues. Brazil has a national public health policy of promoting generic drug manufacturers and generally tends to be against “blockbuster" drugs, rallying for large pharmaceutical companies to bring down treatment costs. Brazil has also been a forerunner in producing generic versions of key AIDS drugs.
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"Os pedidos de patente levam uma média de 8 anos para serem aprovados no Brasil, este acordo vem ajudar na meta de cortar esse tempo pela metade até 2015 "
"Since patent applications take an average of 8 years to be approved in Brazil, this agreement will hopefully aid in the goal of cutting that time in half by 2015."
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Pegadinha boa. No dia eu errei a questão porque deixe de me atentar ao seguinte: " goal of this agreement is to increase thespeed of patent registration. Since patent applications take anaverage of 8 years to be approved in Brazil, this agreement willho pefully aid in the goal of cutting that time in half by 2015"
Ele queria saber sobre "The agreement"
O tempo será reduzido pela metade, e não entre 10% e 15%. -> "this agreement willho pefully aid in the goal of cutting that time in half by 2015".
O que será reduzido entre 10 e 15% é o volume de trabalho, "workload".
o que vai ser reduzido é o trabalho dos escritórios de patente e não o tempo de aprovação.
this agreement will hopefully aid in the goal of cutting that time in half by 2015
este acordo ajudará esperançosamente na meta de cortar esse tempo pela metade até 2015
That will reduce the workload in both offices by around 10% to 15%
Isso reduzirá a carga de trabalho em ambos os escritórios em cerca de 10% a 15%
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