Considere o fragmento de documento WSDL apresentado a segui...

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Q482772 Arquitetura de Software
Considere o fragmento de documento WSDL apresentado a seguir.


O fragmento apresentado descreve um exemplo de operação do tipo


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O portType exibirá o conjunto das operações que podem ser realizadas.

No caso, existe a operação setTerm que define apenas um tipo de chamada, pelo input

<input name="newTerm" message="newTermVals"/>

Nesse caso, essa chamada será do tipo one-way, do tipo unidirecional.


Segue abaixo os 4 tipos possíveis de chamada.


WSDL supports four basic types of operations. These are:


The service receives a message. This would mean that only the <input> element shown earlier will be present.


The service receives a message and sends a response. Thus the operation will have an <input> element, followed by an <output> element as given in the <portType> syntax. The <fault> element is optional. The request-response pattern is most commonly used in SOAP services.


The service (not the client) initiates communication by sending a message and receives a response. Hence,
this operation will have an <output> element followed by an <input> element. The <fault> element is optional.


The service sends a message and seeks no response. The operation will therefore, have a single <output> element only.


Fonte: Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML Using WSDP - Jerry Foster, Mick Porter

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