The US and Brazil have a record of not agreeing over the pro...

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Q475916 Inglês
During US President Barak Obama's recent trip to Brazil,a pilot agreement on patents was signed, allowing the Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) to participate in the Patent Prosecution Highway. The goal of this agreement is to increase thespeed of patent registration. Since patent applications take anaverage of 8 years to be approved in Brazil, this agreement will hopefully aid in the goal of cutting that time in half by 2015. The president of INPI commented: “In practical terms, we will eliminate the need in one patent office to reexamine parts of patent applications that have been denied in the other patent office. That will reduce the workload in both offices by around 10% to 15%".

Brazil has historically been at odds with the US and the multinational pharmaceutical industry on a variety of issues. Brazil has a national public health policy of promoting generic drug manufacturers and generally tends to be against “blockbuster" drugs, rallying for large pharmaceutical companies to bring down treatment costs. Brazil has also been a forerunner in producing generic versions of key AIDS drugs.

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According to the text above, judge the following items.

The US and Brazil have a record of not agreeing over the production and sale of popular and profitable drugs.