The sentences that compose the missing paragraph Student-ch...

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Q946410 Inglês

Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers

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The sentences that compose the missing paragraph Student-chosen texts (See “MISSING PARAGRAPH”.) are all scrambled below. Number them (1-5) in the correct order. Care for coherence and cohesion.
( ) Teachers who use this strategy find that it can lead to a classroom that is engaged with literature. ( ) Students are given a choice of literature from an age- and reading level-appropriate book collection. ( ) Allowing students to choose their own reading materials is a strategy that literacy specialists recommend as a way to develop lifelong readers. ( ) After a period of independent reading, students break into groups and discuss what they’ve read, book club-style, followed by journaling. ( ) When this strategy is successful, students are able to delve deeply into the meaning of the literature, develop critiquing skills, and have a valuable discussion with their classmates about the book that they chose.
The correct sequence downwards is