Furthermore (L 5) introduces the idea of:

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Q2748779 Inglês

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Language aptitude

It has been suggested that people differ in the extent to which they possess a natural ability for learning an L2. This ability, known as language aptitude, is believed to be in part related to general intelligence but also to be in part distinct. Research involving language aptitude has focused on whether and to what extent language aptitude is related to success in L2 learning. Learners who score highly on language aptitude tests tipically learn rapidly and achieve higher levels of L2 proficiency than learners who obtain low scores. Furthermore, research has shown that this is so whether the measure of L2 proficiency is some kind of formal language text or a measure of more communicative language use.

(ELLIS, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press. Pag. 73-74.)

Furthermore (L 5) introduces the idea of:
