O metano é popularmente conhecido como “gás dos pântanos” e...
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O metano é um gás incolor, sua molécula é tetraédrica e apolar (CH4), de pouca solubilidade na água e, quando adicionado ao ar se transforma em mistura de alto teor inflamável. É o mais simples dos hidrocarbonetos.
CH4 - metano
Methane is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH4 (one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms). It is a group-14 hydride, the simplest alkane, and the main constituent of natural gas. The abundance of methane on Earth makes it an economically attractive fuel, although capturing and storing it is hard because it is a gas at standard temperature and pressure.
compostos semelhantes:
Ethane (C2H6): It has two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms. Ethane is also a gas at room temperature and is commonly used as a fuel.
Propane (C3H8): With three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atoms, propane is a gas at room temperature but can be easily compressed into a liquid for storage and transportation. Widely used as a fuel for heating and cooking.
Butane (C4H10): Butane has four carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms. Like propane, it can exist as a gas or be liquefied under pressure.
Pentane (C5H12): Pentane contains five carbon atoms and twelve hydrogen atoms. It's a volatile liquid at room temperature and is sometimes used as a solvent.
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