In the example given in paragraphs 5 and 6 (lines 39-63), th...

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Q47389 Inglês
In the example given in paragraphs 5 and 6 (lines 39-63), the author explains that the


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C) right - "short pieces as "region" as given less weight than longer ones such as "the region's largest economies".



length of segments - chunks of text. rather than relying on sum total alone, it weighs in the emotional labels and reversing words to determine the writer's intended emotional state



Fonte: Alexandre Palmeira Mendonça

O exemplo citado pelo enunciado é o seguinte:

For example in the sentence, "The region's largest economies were still mired in recession", the parsing software finds four of the words in the sentiment lexicon: largest (positive, neutral or negative); (...) It then analyses the sentence structure, starting with "economies" and progressing (...) At each stage, it computes the changing sentiment of the sentence.

Instead of simply adding up the number of positive and negative mentions for each concept, the software applies a weighting to each one.


A - emotional meanings are attributed to words in isolation and not to the sentence structure.


  • Inicialmente são dados significados emocionais para cada palavra, mas eles podem mudar conforme se analisa o contexto:

  • At each stage, it computes the changing sentiment of the sentence.


B - emotional scores of each word may change according to the topic discussed in the text. 


  • A classificação de cada palavra muda conforme o sistema analisa a estrutura da sentença, e não seu tópico:

  • (...) It then analyses the sentence structure


C - length of segments and emotional tags of each word are considered in scoring emotional concepts.


  • O tamanho dos segmentos é visto logo no começo do exemplo, onde se verificam 4 palavras no dicionário de sentimentos. Para cada palavra, é dada uma ou mais marcações (tags) emocionais.

  • the parsing software finds four of the words in the sentiment lexicon: largest (positive, neutral or negative); (...)


D - word ‘recession’ is not analyzed because it is hard to identify its emotional meaning.


  • A palavra recession foi analisada, e dada a classificação negative:

  • the parsing software finds four of the words in the sentiment lexicon: (...) and recession (negative).


E - mere arithmetic sum of the scores indicated for each word will reveal the emotional content of the text analysed.


  • Em nenhum momento do exemplo é falado em mera soma aritmética para definição de classificação emocional.

  • No parágrafo seguinte, é falado justamente que isso não é feito, pois o software aplica um peso (weighting) para cada conceito:

  • Instead of simply adding up the number of positive and negative mentions for each concept, the software applies a weighting to each one.

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