Which of the following sentences expresses the Future Immedi...

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Q3158169 Inglês
The small exercise that's a powerful mood booster

Counting our blessings is an age-old piece of advice – but it turns out that writing lists of good things that happen to us actually does help improve our mood.
Of all the interventions brought to us by psychological research, I think this is probably my favourite. It's both simple and well-evidenced. And as such, it has become well-known.
There are various names for it – three good things, three blessings or a gratitude list. There are variations too in the exact instructions given, but essentially the exercise involves spending a few moments in the evening reflecting on your day, then writing down three things that went well or that you enjoyed. The final element is to think about why these things felt positive to you. You can choose anything, however small and seemingly inconsequential. Perhaps you bumped into a friend you hadn’t seen for a while? Perhaps you and a colleague laughed about something together. Perhaps you enjoyed your walk home from the station in lovely early evening light.
Alternatively, you could include something much more significant, perhaps even life-changing. Like passing an important exam, or getting a promotion, or hearing that a relative is going to have a baby.
Counting your blessings is of course a very old idea, and exercises of this kind had been used clinically for some time. The initial research investigating whether any of us might use this method in everyday life to improve our wellbeing was published in 2005 by Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, two major figures in the field of positive psychology.
The study involved 577 people who were randomly assigned to different groups. As a placebo, one group had to write every evening about their early memories from childhood. Other groups were given different interventions to try out. In the arm of the trial that interests us, people were asked to list three things that had gone well that day and what caused them to go well. Over the next few months, the volunteers in all the groups were given scales to measure their happiness.
The results were impressive. Notably, within a month, the people who were assigned the three good things task began to show improvements in their happiness levels as well as a decrease in depressive symptoms – with the positive effects lasting for the six months of the study.
Meanwhile those in the placebo group saw a brief spike in happiness in the first week, but their mood soon returned to baseline, and there was no change at the six month follow up.
One reason that the three good things strategy can work is because it begins to counter the hard-wired tendency we have as humans to register and remember the negative rather than the positive. There's a strong evolutionary reason why we think this way: it's vital for our survival. So, we hardly notice if a small cat is following us up the street, but if it was a lion we certainly would. Our brains are primed for danger in order to keep us safe. Which is fine, except that in a world of war and suffering, hatred and division – all of which we can instantly access on our phones – this negativity bias can overwhelm us.
An important element of the three good things exercise is that it helps us to focus on the positive in a concrete way. And although I've been suggesting it's an end-ofthe-day exercise, its real strength lies in the fact that the impact soon begins to spread through the day. You find yourself searching out good things to add to your list from the moment you get up. (Whenever I get my favourite seat at the front of the top deck of the bus I think to myself, that's one for my list. How lucky!) And before you know it you are training yourself not only to look out for threats, but for good things too.

Fonte: Hammond, Claudia. The small exercise that's a
powerful mood booster. BBC, 2024. Disponível em:
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20241211-listingthree-good-things-mood-boost. Adaptado
Which of the following sentences expresses the Future Immediate tense correctly?

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Alternativa Correta: E - Volunteers are going to be assigned to different groups next week.

Tema Central da Questão: A questão aborda o uso do tempo verbal Future Immediate, que é uma forma de expressar ações que irão ocorrer em um futuro próximo. Compreender como utilizar corretamente esses tempos verbais é essencial para o domínio da língua inglesa, especialmente em contextos escritos e orais formais.

Teoria Resumida: O Future Immediate em inglês frequentemente utiliza a estrutura "be going to" quando a ação futura já está planejada ou quando há evidências atuais de que ela vai acontecer. Por exemplo, "I am going to study English tomorrow" indica um plano preestabelecido.

Justificativa da Alternativa Correta: A alternativa E usa corretamente a estrutura "are going to be assigned" para mostrar que os voluntários estão programados para serem designados a diferentes grupos na próxima semana, o que está alinhado com a ideia de um futuro imediato.

Análise das Alternativas Incorretas:

A - The results will show improvements in happiness levels soon. - Esta frase usa "will show", que é adequado para o future simple, usado para previsões ou decisões espontâneas. Não é Future Immediate.

B - The exercise is helping to boost your mood right now. - Esta frase está no presente contínuo (present continuous), indicando uma ação acontecendo no momento. Não é uma forma de futuro.

C - The group will be going to try the method in the coming months. - Aqui "will be going to try" é uma combinação inadequada para expressar o futuro imediato. A frase deve ser ajustada para apenas "are going to try" para indicar planos futuros determinados.

D - People were going to start the program tomorrow. - "Were going to" indica uma intenção ou plano no passado, não um futuro imediato. Isso torna a frase incorreta dentro do contexto solicitado.

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