“Sarah was enthusiastic about her upcoming workshop. She ha...

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Q2541664 Inglês
“Sarah was enthusiastic about her upcoming workshop. She had been looking forward to it for months and finally, the day had arrived. She doublechecked her presentation materials, ensuring she had everything she needed. With a final review of her notes, she headed out the door, eager for the professional development opportunity. As she walked to the conference venue, she felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was her first time presenting at such an event, and she knew it would be a significant experience for her career. Sarah had prepared extensively for her workshop, researching best practices and rehearsing her presentation multiple times. Despite the early morning start, her enthusiasm kept her energized. She exchanged greetings with colleagues she met along the way, who wished her luck. As she entered the conference hall, Sarah's mind raced with thoughts of the knowledge she would share and the connections she would make. This workshop was not just a learning opportunity; it was a step forward in her professional journey.”

What emotions does Sarah experience about her workshop, and how do they reflect her overall attitude towards the event?