Analyze the sentences below about the types of active learni...

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Q2586124 Inglês

Text 2

Immigrants and Public Schools

Public schools in the United States helped immigrants in different ways. First the school gave the children a free education. This meant that many young people became better educated than their parents and had more chances for better jobs. In addition, many schools had evening classes for adults.

Analyze the sentences below about the types of active learning methodologies.

1. Hybrid Education is a format that combines different age groups and face-to-face classes.

2. Problem-based learning (PBL) proposes solving a problem through collaboration between students.

3. Field research is one of the active methodologies put into practice outside the classroom. The student researches a subject in the place where the situation normally occurs.

4. Gamification consists of using virtual classes to explore new content, so that students can improve their knowledge and critical analysis.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct affirmatives:
