The verb “does” (line 16) in “which is something a virtual a...
Text for items from 16 to 20.
1 Nowadays, occupational therapists have access
to many technological features that aid patients in
overcoming their physical limitations.
4 While many traditional OT methods are still
highly effective, using technology can help with patient
engagement, especially in the case of young children.
7For example, a child whose treatment includes drawing
or coloring can use an iPad, instead of crayons, messy
markers and coloring books to practice these skills.
10 Elderly patients can use virtual assistants, like
Alexa or Siri, to control their environment without having
to get up or ask others for help. While teaching patients
13 how to use a virtual assistant may sound unconventional,
keep in mind the goal of occupational therapy is to help
someone become more independent, which is something
16 a virtual assistant does.
Internet: (with adaptations).
The verb “does” (line 16) in “which is something a virtual assistant does” (lines 15 and 16) is conjugated in the 3rd person singular to agree with the subject