Mr. Thompson works in the administrative area of a company....

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Ano: 2017 Banca: CETRO Órgão: FAPESP Prova: CETRO - 2017 - FAPESP - Analista Administrativo |
Q1631173 Inglês
Mr. Thompson works in the administrative area of a company. He has just received an e-mail of one of his clients. Mr. Joe Peterson is making a request to him. Read the e-mail below:

Dear Mr. Thompson,
We would be grateful if you could send us the report from /ast month.
Yours sincere/y, Joe Peterson Human Resource Manager
Based on the message above and the given context, analyse the way(s) which can be used to reply to a request such as Joe Peterson's request.
l. "As you requested ... ". II. "As promised ... ". III. "ln answer to your enquiry ... ".
The correct ways(s) is(are):