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Q2877853 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 50 a 52 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Crucial part of new US air traffic system in trouble


WASHINGTON (AP) – An information-sharing program essential to government plans for a new national air traffic control system is about $105 million over budget and has been delayed two years, a government watchdog said Thursday.

The first phase of the Federal Aviation Administration program known as System-Wide Information Management, or SWIM, was supposed to be completed by 2013, but has now been pushed back to 2015, said a report by the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General.

The FAA is in the midst of switching from an air traffic system based on World War II-era radar technology to one that uses GPS. The transition, which is expected to take more than a decade to complete, was to cost the government as much as $22 billion. The cost to the airline industry to equip their planes to use the new system is likely to be almost as much.

Crucial to that transition is a program to share information, including which airports are experiencing delays, which runways are closed, weather reports, pilot observations, flight plans and security restrictions on where planes can fly.

The idea is to create a one-stop place for FAA employees, the military, other government agencies, airlines and the international aviation community to get real-time information.

(Adapted from

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