Based on the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or...

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Q359322 Inglês
Based on the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).

Wall Street and the City experts foresee a complete market breakdown

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Os especialistas da Wall Street e de Londres (The City) prevêem uma ruptura completa no mercado
É importante saber que "The City"  no centro de Londres, é o principal centro econômico da Europa.

No trecho abaixo podemos perceber o erro.
L. 19-22- In Wall Street and the City, there is similar talk that the worst fears of environmentalists are coming to pass. As shortages of natural resources push up prices, a looming resource crunch is manifested in market meltdown.

Tradução: Na Wall Street e The City, há conversas semelhantes que os piores temores dos ambientalistas estão acontecendo. À medida que a escassez de recursos naturais aumenta os preços...
 O texto fala dos ambientalistas e não menciona qualquer momento sobre especialistas.

Gabarito do professor: ERRADO.

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The affirmative is incorrect.

In the fourth paragrath we can perceive the mistake on it. Check this excerpt out in the line 19th: "In Wall Street and City, there´s a similar talk that the worst fears of environmentalists are coming to pass".

This including a similarity with environmentalists.  And it does not mention any moment about experts like in the affirmative. it´s implying that Wall Street and City´s citizens, not only experts.

Hope it be useful!

Na minha opinião o problema não está na palavra "experts", pois quando quando o autor usa a palavra "City" (com "C" maiúsculo) ele está se referindo à Wall Street londrina, não a cidade no entorno de Wall Street. Parece-me estar o erro em considerar que "meltdown" e "breakdown" são sinônimos.

Segundo o dicionário Longman, meltdown significa "a situation in which prices fall by a very large amount or an industry or economic situation becomes much weaker" e breakdown, "the failure of a relationship or system". Para diferenciar ainda mais os dois, a afirmativa ainda se utiliza do adjetivo "complete", tornando os termos mais distantes entre si.


At best they agree with environmentalists that depletion of natural resources has a negative effect on the economy, but the question tries to conflate market breakdown with meltdown, which are different concepts. Market meltdown means a period of unstable financial activity, while market breakdown indicates a sharp decline in an asset, usually as a result of the divulging of negative information. 

Acho que a assertiva extrapola ao dizer que haverá um COMPLETE market breakdown.

Quanto às definições de meltdown e breakdown, seguem infos do Merriam Webster e Oxford Dictionary:

MELTDOWN: A rapid disastrous decline or collapse. To suffer a meltdown: collapse. ​(economics) a situation where something fails or becomes weaker in a sudden or dramatic way. Ex: The country is in economic meltdown. A meltdown on the New York Stock Exchange. A company experiencing financial meltdown.

SINÔNIMO de meltdown: break down (a ver se há diferença entre breakdown e break down) - Merriam Webster

BREAKDOWN: the action or result of breaking down (such as a failure to function preventing a breakdown of the health-care system, failure to progress or have effect, a breakdown of negotiations...). A failure of a relationship, discussion or system. Ex: The only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. There has obviously been a breakdown in communications between the two sides. The breakdown of the negotiations was not unexpected. The breakdown of law and order. Marital breakdown can be followed by debt problems. There seems to be a complete breakdown in law and order.

Obs: pelos exemplos, é possível ver que a falha (fail) de breakdown tem, muitas vezes, um sentido mais ligado a rompimento/separação/divisão entre as coisas. Isso não é constatado nos exemplos de meltdown

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