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Ano: 2015 Banca: UFMT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: UFMT - 2015 - IF-MT - Secretário Executivo |
Q792812 Inglês
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he new frontier for Business: work-life Integration
The days of clear separation between work and home are a thing of the past, and we´re still trying to figure out how to integrate life and work in a healthy way. In a recent Advise America survey, 87 percent of respondents felt they overwork – but at the same time, more than a third also said they don´t feel overloaded by work. Work-life integration is different than simply trying to find balance and separation, however. Let´s take a look.
For many, the key to integration has been leaving the office all together and working remotely. Esna, a provider of embedded real-time communication and collaboration solutions, reports that 20 percent of the 4.6 billion people that make up the global workforce telecommute. That´s 920 million people who have left the traditional office and integrated their work and home lives.
Chances are, if you’ve ever been to any coffee shop ever, you´ve been in someone´s office. Creative professionals often do their best work when inspiration strikes, and getting out of the “be here work here” mentality frees them to be more productive as well as live their own lives. Flexible employers recognize that employees working from home not only save money for the organization, but it produces a sense of fulfillment for staff that is hard to match. If you are struggling to find an integration between work and home, consider approaching your employer about working remotely, even if it is just for a fraction of your work week. Being able to wake up, have coffee in your own living room and work in a space that is comfortable and private can make a world of a difference.
(Available at Access 2015/07/02.) 
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