“In the field of language teaching, the term syllabus has bo...
“In the field of language teaching, the term syllabus has both practical and theoretical meanings. In a practical sense, it is an actual plan of course. In theoretical sense, it refers to a specific way to conceptualize what language is and how language is learned so that the materials can be selected and prepared for the classroom.” (CELSE-MURCIA, 2014)
The items that can be considered examples of syllabuses are:
I. Task-based syllabus, skill-based approaches, lexical syllabus
II. Negotiated syllabus, project-based language learning, lexical syllabus
III. Grammatical syllabus, notional-functional syllabus, text-based syllabus
IV. Task-based syllabus, content-based instruction, grammatical syllabus
The correct affirmatives are: