Based on the text, choose the correct statement.

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Q359326 Inglês
Based on the text, choose the correct statement.


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" Despite that need , the annual G8 Summits are known more for eliciting empty political promises and saddling host cities with exorbitant costs."

A despeito dessa necessidade, as cúpulas anuais do G8 são mais conhecidas por debater promessas políticas vazias e onerar as cidades-sede com custos exorbitantes




The baby boomer generation presidents and prime ministers at the G8 Summit are facing increasingly frustrated populations. With economic instability entrenching in the West, a still teetering world financial order, and escalating tensions in the Middle East, an entire generation of young people is growing up without opportunity , and with few prospects for change . But persistent unemployment, declining standards in health care and education, and environmental degradation are also driving growing numbers of young people to demand sophisticated and coordinated global action”




The author states that G8 Summits leaders usually deliver empty promises rather than taking actual actions, see paragraph 1.




Young people urge their leaders to take “ sophisticated and coordinated global action”. The text does not mention the young are planning demonstrations.




The text talks about future Facebook generation leaders. Besides, the Facebook generation actually advances international coordenation.


The encroaching financial crisis, the world order in disarray and the middle east tensions all constitute the misshaps alluded to in  the question.

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