Consider the text below. "[...] Montgomery plays Marilyn as...

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Q2070720 Inglês
Consider the text below.
"[...] Montgomery plays Marilyn as an overly grateful and naive woman-child, saying please and thank you to the very men who dismiss and debase her. 'Let's drop the goo-goo routine, you can't be as dumb as you look', the studio head known as Mr R (an avatar for 20th Century Fox boss Darryl F Zanuck) tells her just before he sexually assaults her. However there is, at least, an element of bratty joyfulness to this Marilyn as she enjoys her success, and the film ends without putting her (and us) through her sorrowful demise."
Fonte: -is-the-worlds-most-misunderstood-icon Choose the alternative that does have a synonym to the word "sorrowful".