Utilize o texto a seguir para responder à questão 40. ENGLI...

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Q2691634 Inglês

Utilize o texto a seguir para responder à questão 40.


Abstract: The Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM - High School National Exam), initially proposed as a diagnostic test, had its status and function changed in 2009, when it became a mandatory high-stakes entrance examination for students who intend to enter public universities in Brazil. Despite its relevance, few studies have been carried out in order to gather evidence of its influences upon the teaching and learning which precede the exam. These influences are referred to as washback in the applied linguistics literature. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate the way in which the ENEM English test might influence the actions of two teachers [...]. Using the qualitative methodology with ethnographic aspects, data was gathered in two different teaching contexts, a public and a private school, both placed in the Região Metropolitana de Campinas, RMC. For the data collection and aiming at data triangulation, besides the questionnaires which were answered by the students, the two teachers and their coordinators were interviewed. In order to complement data gathering, classes were audio recorded, observed, and field notes were taken by the researcher. Results show that, despite the fact that ENEM is a high-stakes standardized exam, its English test does not exert any washback effect upon the two teachers' practices. At the public school, teaching was constructed based on the textbook used during classes with no intent to prepare students to enter an undergraduate course. At the private school, the vestibulares, entrance exams used by the public universities in the State of São Paulo, still exert a strong washback upon the English teaching, especially due to the textbook, which materializes the vestibulares during classes. In this specific context, the vestibulares determine the skills, the content, the depth and the pace of teaching, exerting a strong and negative washback. (...)

AVELAR, Flávia. (adaptado)

Sobre o texto, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

I. “Washback” é um termo usado em Linguística Aplicada para se referir à influência que os exames podem ter sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem que os precede.

II. Os resultados encontrados pelo pesquisador revelam uma forte influência do ENEM na prática dos dois docentes analisados.

III. No estudo, a influência de outros exames se revelou mais presente no contexto da escola particular.

IV. A posição do apóstrofo indicador de caso genitivo em “the two teachers' practices” (em destaque no texto) está de acordo com a norma-padrão.

Estão corretas as afirmativas:
