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Q1102342 Inglês
Read the text to answer 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

Sadiq Khan vs. Donald Trump

    The most important political event of recent weeks was not the emergence of Donald J. Trump as the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party but the election of Sadiq Khan, the Muslim son of a London bus driver, as mayor of London.
  Trump has not won any kind of political office yet, but Khan, the Labour Party candidate, crushed Zac Goldsmith, a Conservative, to take charge of one of the world’s great cities, a vibrant metropolis where every tongue is heard. In his victory, a triumph over the slurs that tried to tie him to Islamist extremism, Khan stood up for openness against isolationism, integration against confrontation, opportunity for all against racism and misogyny. He was the anti-Trump. Before the election, Khan said “I’m a Londoner, I’m a European, I’m British, I’m English, I’m of Islamic faith, of Asian origin, of Pakistani heritage, a dad, a husband”.
    The world of the 21st century is going to be shaped by such elided, many-faceted identities and by the booming cities that celebrate diversity, not by some bullying, brash, bigoted, “America first” white dude who wants to build walls. It is worth noting that under the ban on Muslim noncitizens entering the country that Trump proposes, Khan would not be allowed to visit the United States. To use one of Trump’s favorite phrases, this would be a “complete and total disaster”.
    Khan’s election is important because it gives the lie to the facile trope that Europe is being taken over by jihadi Islamists. It underscores the fact that terrorist acts hide a million quiet success stories among European Muslim communities. One of seven children of a Pakistani immigrant family, Khan grew up in public housing and went on to become a human rights lawyer and government minister. He won more than 1.3 million votes in the London election, a personal mandate unsurpassed by any politician in British history. His election is important because the most effective voices against Islamist terrorism come from Muslims, and Khan has been prepared to speak out. After the Paris attacks last year, he said in a speech that Muslims had a “special role” to play in countering the terrorism, “not because we are more responsible than others, as some have wrongly claimed, but because we can be more effective at tackling extremism than anyone else”.
    Trump as a politician is a product of American fear and anger above all. In the past several weeks, a U.C. Berkeley student has been escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight because he was heard speaking Arabic, and an olive-skinned, curly haired Italian Ivy League economist was taken off an American Airlines flight because he was spotted scribbling mathematical calculations that his seatmate found suspicious. When Trump declares, “America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,” the rest of the world hears an angry nation flexing its muscles.
    Khan has argued that greater integration is essential and “too many British Muslims grow up without really knowing anyone from a different background”.
    Put together an egotist, a bully, immense power and you have a dangerous brew that could put civilization at risk. Those small fingers would have access to the nuclear codes if Trump was elected. In this context, Sadiq Khan’s victory is reassuring because he represents currents in the world — toward global identity and integration — that will prove stronger over time than the tribalism and nativism of Trump.
(Roger Cohen May 9, 2016 – The New York Times. Adapted.)
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Alternativa correta: A - Neither Khan nor Trump complies Islamic clash.

Vamos analisar a questão com calma. O objetivo aqui é verificar se você compreendeu o texto e se consegue identificar a alternativa correta com base nas informações fornecidas.

O texto compara Sadiq Khan e Donald Trump, destacando suas diferenças e contextos políticos. Khan, eleito prefeito de Londres, representa a integração e diversidade, enquanto Trump, na época ainda não eleito, simboliza o isolacionismo e o medo.

Para compreendermos a alternativa correta:

A - Neither Khan nor Trump complies Islamic clash.

Essa alternativa está correta porque o texto não sugere que Khan ou Trump estejam envolvidos em um confronto islâmico. Pelo contrário, Khan é mostrado como um símbolo de integração e sucesso entre muçulmanos na Europa, enquanto Trump é criticado por suas políticas isolacionistas.

Vamos analisar as alternativas incorretas:

B - Either Khan or Trump has already been elected.

Essa alternativa está incorreta porque o texto afirma claramente que, na época, Trump ainda não tinha sido eleito para nenhum cargo político, ao contrário de Khan, que já havia vencido a eleição para prefeito de Londres.

C - Khan won an election, and so did Donald Trump.

Esta alternativa está incorreta pelas mesmas razões da alternativa B. Trump ainda não tinha sido eleito para nenhum cargo, enquanto Khan já havia vencido uma eleição importante.

D - Trump didn’t win an election, and neither did Khan.

Essa alternativa está incorreta porque, embora Trump ainda não tivesse vencido uma eleição, Khan já era o prefeito eleito de Londres.

Resumo: A alternativa A é a correta pois reflete com precisão o conteúdo do texto, que não associa nem Khan nem Trump a um confronto islâmico. As alternativas B, C e D apresentam informações que não condizem com a realidade apresentada no texto.

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